Next month we should see jobs plan – will it include an incinerator?

Casino Industrial site. Photo: Richmond Valley Council

Susanna Freymark

The draft masterplan for the development of three industrial sites in Casino is almost ready to be released to the community.

At the Richmond Valley Council meeting on Tuesday, October 17, general manager Vaughan Macdonald said the draft Regional Jobs Precinct Plan would be released mid-November once State ministers sign off.

The precinct includes three sites:

• The Nammoona industrial area and nearby rural land to the north

• The Casino Co-op industrial land and adjoining land between Summerland Way and the North Coast Railway line

• The Primex industrial land, Casino Sewerage Treatment Plant and Cassino Drive Industrial Estate

“NSW Government will lead the consultation process,” Mr Macdonald said.

“The aim is to do the consultation (with the community) before the Christmas break.”

The important message was that this is a draft, Mr Macdonald said.

No details were given at the council meeting as to what is included in the draft masterplan.

Will an incinerator, often called an Energy from Waste facility, be built? Residents have been asking this ever since the idea was mooted.

The State Government seems keen on it and the Environment Protection Authority said it “prohibits the thermal treatment of waste for energy recovery unless it is undertaken in one of the following nominated precincts – Parkes, West Lithgow, Richmond Valley (Casino) and Southern Goulburn-Mulwaree”.

At the June council meeting, the wording in the council’s Draft Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program was: That RVC has no commitment to building an energy from waste facility.

This doesn’t stop the State Government building an incinerator.

There has been opposition to an incinerator in Tarago and the final decision on whether it goes ahead or not sits with the State Government.

In Casino, RVC claims the jobs precinct will create more than 600 jobs.

The draft masterplan will be on exhibition for 28 days and residents can give their feedback through the submission process.

Until we can see the plan, any discussion about what is included is in theory only. eagerly awaits the opportunity to take a close look at the Regional Jobs Precinct draft masterplan.

Read more Richmond Valley Council stories here.

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