NRLX: 878 breeder stock were sold to a crowd of buyers

Ray White Rural held a two-day store and breeder sale on February 11 and 12 at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange in Casino.

Friday’s store sale had 2,527 quality head go under the hammer.

Steers topped their category at 990.2c/kg and averaged 716.0c/kg and 262kg.

Heifers reached a top of 854.2c/kg and averaged 685.1c/kg and 245kg.

Saturday’s breeder sale had 878 breeder stock that were sold to a large crowd of buyers with cattle going as far as Western Queensland.

Cows achieved a top return of $3,300.00 and Cows & Calves reached $4,600.00.

PTIC Heifers saw a top price of $4,480.00.

Over the next week, four sales will be held at the NRLX including Wednesday’s prime sale, McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer’s joint store sale on Friday, February 18, the annual Yulgilbar Genetics Commercial female sale on Saturday, February 19 and an additional George & Fuhrmann February store sale on Monday 21.

Further bookings are welcome.

Increased weight of young cattle improves quality

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