Where is the best spot for a fenced dog park in Kyogle?

ABOVE: Luca, Lolita and Katie. Photo: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

Katie Thomas and her partner have a four-month-old kelpie collie cross called Lolita and they’d like to see a dog park in Kyogle.

“We’ve seen how beneficial dog parks have been in other towns as a way for dogs and humans to positively connect – something we are all needing – and we thought how great it would be if Kyogle had a fenced dog park,” Katie said.

“There are already a few spots that we thought would be suitable and we wanted to gauge the community’s opinions to see if others think a dog park would be a benefit to the town.”

Katie posted her idea on Facebook and from the 69 comments made, it was clear residents were keen for a dog park.

“The community have given such positive support, which is super encouraging and important. We have just suggested the idea but it’s really thanks to all who have commented or liked the post that have spread the word,” Katie said.

Katie plans to approach Kyogle Council first to see if the dog park is possible.

Then, she’d like to “explore community grants and get the ball rolling with a petition”.

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