NRLX tender time is over. Now they get assessed so council can decide who runs saleyards

Multiple tenders were submitted from groups seeking to lease the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange in Casino.

Real estate company JLL managed the tender process for the council. That has now closed.

JLL will assess each against the tender criteria and advise on the best proposals.

Richmond Valley Council general manager Vaughan Macdonald said he wants the saleyards to reopen as soon as possible next year.

“The aim is for council to make the necessary decisions during December and, subject to a satisfactory proposal being received, authorise the finalisation of the lease for the facility,” he said.

A group of locals organised two public meetings after the July closure of the NRLX when the dispute between agents and council on the new licensing agreement could not be resolved.

The group wanted to form a co-op to operate the NRLX but didn’t submit a bid. Read about that here.

You can read all stories relating to the NRLX dispute here.

The public meeting about the NRLX at the Casino RSM Club earlier this year. Photo: Susanna Freymark
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