PICK ME: Four docile, dairy cows urgently needed for milking contest

Susanna Freymark

Every year at the Beef Week Breakfast with the Butchers event, there is a milking contest.

The person who gets the most milk in the bucket wins. We’re not sure what they actually win but the contest is a lot of fun with plenty of heckling and encouragement from the crowds.

Unfortunately, the regular supplier of cows for the milking contest is unable to provide the cows this year because of the floods.

If you are a local dairy farmer who has four friendly, docile dairy cows that are used to people and would be suitable for the Beef Week Milking Contest on Friday, May 17, contact the Beef Week Office.

Casino needs your cows.

Email info@casinobeefweek.com.au or call 0427 637 010.

Check out the full May 21-31 Beef Week Program.

The butchers at last year’s Breakfast with the Butchers. Photo: Susanna Freymark PS: They’re not looking for the dairy cows.

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