Repair of war memorial gates brick by brick

Frank McKey and brickie David Hughes start work on Mallanganee Memorial Gates.

Susanna Freymark

The Memorial Gates at Mallanganee Oval have had a few knocks and knicks over time.

Kyogle Council said the gates have been repeatedly damaged over the years by cars, caravans and motorhomes passing under the arch.

Several residents said a council truck damaged the arch as well.

The gates have been closed to traffic for some time with access to the oval and camping area via Pine Street.

Because of this, Pine Street will be upgraded to a two-way road.

Pedestrians can still access the oval and campground through the Memorial Gates.

Kyogle Council received a NSW Local Government Regional Grant of $30,000 to repair the Memorial Gates.

Dave Hughes checks the brickwork on the arch.

Frank McKey from Monumental Masonry in Casino was on the job in Mallanganee last weekend.

Bricklayer David Hughes has been trying to find bricks from the same era as the gates.

“I think I found some in a flood damaged house in Lismore,” he said.

Work is expected to be completed before the end of June.

The Memorial Gates commemorate the first and second world wars.

Photos: Susanna Freymark
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