Surfer board with the new – will sell, swap vintage at collectors show

Justin Morrison’s oldest surfboard is from 1967  and he’ll be showing it off at the Vintage Surfboards Collectors Show at Evans Head this Saturday.

“There will be mostly 70s boards but a few guys have some real classic 60s logs too,” Justin said.

“There’ll be a few rare alternative knee boards and modern replicas of classic 70s boards too.”

One of the most recognisable boards  – a replica Larry Bertlemann Pepsi style spray – will be on display in the auditorium at Club Evans, Evans Head.

Bertlemann was a legendary Hawaiian surfer.

History of surfboards on show at Club Evans.

The free event is for surfboard enthusiasts to meet and swap or sell vintage surfboards.

Justin is busy setting up the room.

“There’ll be some amazing history on show,” he said.

There will 20 collectors showing their boards this Saturday, September 2 at the Club Evans auditorium from 10am–4pm. Entry is free.

Justin Morrison is hosting the collectors show. Photos: Contributed
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