The art of graffiti removal

Susanna Freymark

Graffiti – love it or hate it?

Councillor Danielle Mulholland raised the topic through a motion at the Kyogle Council meeting on Monday, February 13.

“Graffiti is popping up all over our LGA,” Ms Mulholland said.

“We don’t have the resources to deal with it and we should engage with community groups.”

Council general manager Graham Kennett said anything on council property was cleaned up by council staff.

“We clean up the villages, they just have to make a request for us to do so,” Mr Kennett said.

Councillor Robert Cullen said there had been a rise in youth crime linked to the graffiti.

Councillor James Murray had a different view of graffiti.

“I’m in awe of some of the graffiti – some are works of art,” Mr Murray said.

“Instead of them doing it illegally, can we have a set place for them to do it instead?”

Planning and environmental services director Chris White said the draft art and culture plan identified sites for graffiti. The plan was still being worked on and no public announcement has been made.

Ms Mulholland said her proposal to council was about offensive graffiti.

“There was recently a grant open for graffiti removal. However at present, I recognise that field staff are working full time restoring roads, bridges and causeways from the March floods on top of the scheduled works program,” she said.

“There are a range of companies in Australia who sell products that can be used to remove graffiti in a manner which is environmentally friendly.”

The motion to engage with community groups, service organisations and volunteers to assist with graffiti removal was approved by councillors.

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