There are 89 fires burning across the state. Fortunately, they are currently at an Advice alert level.
That could change with the expected high temperatures forecast for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 25.
The Rocky River Road fire near Drake is of concern with 1094 hectares already burned.
Firefighters supported by aircraft are working with property owners on Rocky River Road to slow the progression of the fire and protect homes.
NSW RFS said there was no immediate threat to properties but there was the potential for spot fires to push the fire east of the Timbarra River and into the Ewingar State Forest. Residents within the areas of Baryulgil, Lionsville, Yulgilbar, Malabugilmah, and Ewingar are urged to remain vigilant.
From midnight there is a Total Fire Ban for the Northern Rivers in place for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 25 as temperatures are expected to hit 38C combined with windy conditions.
Know your fire risk and what you will do if fire threatens. Be ready to act. Report all unattended fires to triple zero. Check the fire map here.
Have a fire plan ready.
A cool change is expected later in the week which should ease conditions.
Anyone in Kyogle and Tenterfield LGAs impacted by recent fires may be eligible for financial support. Go here to find out more.