ABOVE: Fraser Burton stands on one of the trees knocked over in the wind at Mongogorie. Photos: contributed
Lisa and Wayne Burton were at a wedding in Sydney when wild winds whipped through their Mongogorie property.
“My father-in-law rang in a panic because the 6m x 5m heavy dog run was lifted by the wind and moved across the yard,” Lisa said.
That wasn’t the worst of it.
Twenty-five trees bore the force of the wind on Friday, February 18. Many lost trunks and branches. Some keeled over.

The damage was confined to a narrow area indicating how localised the storm was.
The oldest tree to fall was an 80 year old spotted gum.
Other trees that fell over included a bloodwood and some yellow stringy barks.
The trees knocked down will be stacked and some will be burnt because they fell over some fences.
Others we will use for fence posts, Lisa said.
The Burtons will plant more trees to replace the ones they lost.