
VACCINATE: Book for Pfizer at pop-up clinic in Bonalbo

A pop-up vaccination clinic will operate out of Bonalbo from Thursday, October 7 to Saturday, October 9.

A Northern NSW Local Health District representative said the clinic will offer the Pfizer vaccine to anyone 12 years old and over including people aged over 60.

The clinic will be at the Bonalbo Multi Purpose Service on Hospital Road..

Bookings will open this morning, Tuesday October 5. Book here.


Bonalbo MPS said when booking on a mobile phone change the screen to landscape (usually done by tilting the phone) so all booking times can be viewed.

People must bring with them a Medicare card or a Individual Healthcare Identifier.

Kyogle mayor Danielle Mulholland said for those villages West of the Range who are wondering why they are in lockdown along with Kyogle, the contact tracing has shown close contacts in these areas.

For more information about the vaccination clinic phone 1800 571 155.

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