Aged care residents relax in a comfy lounge just like home

Peter Carter, Tom Fitzgerald, a resident and Tracey Maisey cut the ribbon of the new lounge area at Kyogle MPS. Photo: Contributed

The aged care residents’ lounge at Kyogle Multi-Purpose Service was officially opened at a ribbon cutting ceremony.

The lounge has comfy seats and creates a home-like environment for residents.

The local community supported the refurbishment program through donations and other forms of support including from Kyogle MPS United Hospitals Auxiliary, Kyogle Tidy Towns, Kyogle Amateur Theatrical Society and several private donors.

Northern NSW Local Health District board chair Peter Carter, NNSWLHD chief executive Tracey Maisey and local supporter Tom FitzGerald along with aged care residents officially opened the lounge.

“By providing a more home-like environment, the new residents’ lounge will contribute to improved independence, dignity, and choice for residents living at the facility,” Mr Carter said.

The building works for the lounge area were jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Aged Care and NSW Health.

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