Another attempt by developer to open Iron Gates

The Iron Gates site is marked above.

Susanna Freymark

The sixth development application for residential lots at Iron Gates in Evans Head has been lodged with Richmond Valley Council.

Goldcoral Pty Ltd Pty Ltd (receiver and manager appointed) lodged the DA and it is on public exhibition until February 26.

The DA includes demolition of existing buildings, roads, stormwater, and sewage infrastructure on the site.

The plan is to subdivide the site into 129 lots for 121 residential lots, one future community refuge lot, two public open space lots, two lots for future Stage 2 subdivision and one residue lot.

The DA includes construction of internal roads, stormwater, sewage, and other utility infrastructure, vegetation management works including vegetation removal and retention and ongoing environmental management.

Goldcoral wants to establish a site for a community refuge building for use during severe bushfire and flooding events.

Upgrades to Iron Gates Drive includes road widening and reconstruction and vegetation trimming.

A separate future DA would be submitted to the council for the proposed Stage 2 subdivision which proposes a further 17 residential lots.

There is a separate Aboriginal Cultural Heritage report and a Flood Assessment report.

Read the DA documents here.

The consent authority on this DA is not Richmond Valley Council. It is the NSW Land & Environment Court that decides if this DA goes through.

Read about the decades of protest on the development of Iron Gates here.

Here’s how to make a written submission:

Post: Locked Bag 10, Casino NSW 2470


Deliver by hand: Council’s customer service centres in Casino or Evans Head

Online: Complete an on-line submission form at the council’s website.

Submissions, including those received from previous exhibitions of this application, will be supplied to the Land & Environment Court as evidence for its consideration.  If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. All submissions will be treated as public documents.

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