‘Nothing dodgy here’: Mayor offers ‘truth bombs’ about meeting on GM’s job

ABOVE: Kyogle mayor Kylie Thomas responds to comments about Tuesday’s extraordinary meeting. Photo: Susanna Freymark

Susanna Freymark

Kyogle mayor Kylie Thomas says correct processes are being followed for Tuesday’s extraordinary meeting about the general manager’s employment contract.

“This meeting is … confidential because it’s dealing with staff, not because of any other reason,” Ms Thomas said on Facebook.

Councillor Danielle Mulholland said councillors Maggie May and Robert Cullen called for the meeting to discuss Graham Kennett’s employment contract.

That is all the information that has been given at this stage about the April 26 meeting.

“The system is set up to protect council and staff especially management from public scrutiny. The elected are doing their job. They have access to information to make decisions – the public have elected these people to make these decisions. This is not for public consultation, it’s a duty.”

Ms Thomas said councillors discussing the meeting publicly including on Facebook were “doing more harm than good”.

She offered a “few truth bombs.”
“The general manager was called and informed about the meeting by me, personally, not through social media or rumour mill.

“All councillors were advised of said meeting at the same time with the required notice.

“The councillor team is a functional and cohesive body but as in any healthy democratic system differences of opinion will arise. Please be assured that all members want what is best for Kyogle LGA.

“When (the) extraordinary meeting was called, Tuesday was a good fit as councillors were already meeting for a workshop that day. Nothing dodgy here!”

Her post, she said was to provide information only.

“I won’t be entering into dialogue about this meeting for reasons stated above,” the mayor said.

IndyNR invited all councillors to make a comment.

The only reply was from Councillor Janet Wilson who said she had “no comment”.

Councillor Danielle Mulholland comments from Facebook are in the earlier story linked here.

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