TATHAM: ‘We saved 60-odd cows by swimming with them’

ABOVE: Savanah Steele helps herd the cattle in floodwaters at Tatham. Photos: Contributed

Elizabeth and Hayden Steele made sure they built their Colorbond home on Casino Coraki Rd above the one-in -100 flood height.

That was two years ago, and like many people in the area they were surprised when floodwaters lapped at their doorstep.

They quickly evacuated to the home of Elizabeth’s parents – Elaine and Darcy Trustum – who lived next door. Their house was built on higher ground on a mound.

The family were settling in and bracing for the fast-rising floodwaters in the paddocks when they saw the cows were in trouble.

“We saved 60-odd cows by swimming with them,” Elizabeth said.

“We still have around 15 head still on the road that we’re unable to swim in with the small calves. “

Everyone pitched in.

“I was able to call the cows to come and they swam towards us,” Elizabeth said.

“The current was very strong close to the mound, so me and my husband managed to sit on the top rail of the fence which was under water to grab them and help them along.

“We had to cut the wires underwater to get them through.”

The Steele’s home at Tatham surrounded by floodwaters

Daughters Savannah and Madison Steele helped too.

The family are faring well and waiting for the water to drop.

“We are hopeful we can get back into our home to see how much water has come in,” Elizabeth said.

Check out photos from the farm on Instagram @monument_farm

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