Where will you be on Anzac Day? List of local services

Anzac Day services


Dawn Service

Assemble at 5.15am on Canterbury Street at the Casino RSM Club.

March to Mafeking Lamp for service at 5.30am

Day Service

Assemble at 10am in Graham Place for march at 10.15am.

March will proceed to Casino RSM Club


Short service at 4.55pm at the Mafeking Lamp

Evans Head

Dawn Service

Assemble at 5.20am on Woodburn Street near bus stop.

March to Memorial Park for the service to begin at 5.45am

Day Service

Assemble at 9.45am on Park Street. March commences at 10am and proceeds to Woodburn – Evans Head RSL Club

Anzac Day flyover at 10.30am F/A Super Hornet


Day Service

Assemble at 9.45am at Coraki Hotel for march to cenotaph in Memorial Park at 10am.


Dawn Service

Service begins at 5.30am at the

Anzac memorial on Nandabah Street.

Day Service

Assemble at the Rappville Post Office at 10.30am. March to the Anzac memorial on Nandabah Street


Day Service

Assemble at 9.45am at the Woodburn Post Office and march at 10am to the memorial in Riverside Park.

Broadwater-Rileys Hill



5.30am Dawn Service at the Cenotaph (gunfire breakfast will be held after the

Dawn Service at Kyogle Bowling Club)

9.15am Assemble for March, in Geneva St (opposite Exchange Hotel)

9.30am March through town centre to Cenotaph

10am Service and wreath laying at Cenotaph

F/A Super Hornet flyover at 10.21am


10.40am Assemble for March to opposite Foodworks

10.45am March begins

11am Formal Anzac Memorial Service at Woodenbong Public Hall with guest speaker Lyn Jefferies on Bruce Hall WWI

F/A Super Hornet flyover at 10.27am

11.45am March to the Lest We Forget sign for wreath laying ceremony

12.30pm Diggers luncheon at RSL Hall ($25 a person, numbers limited phone

Roslyn 6635 1393 or Mekella 0407 493 901 to book)

4-8pm The Woodenbong War Memorial Trust and Woodenbong RSL subbranch will conduct two-up at the Woodenbong Hotel


5.30am Dawn Service at Patrick McNamee Anzac Memorial Park.

Gunfire Breakfast is after the dawn service and the march is at 10.45m.

11am service and wreath laying.

Afternoon of bowls and two-up and sausage sizzle at 2pm. All welcome.

Old Bonalbo

9.30am Service at Old Bonalbo Soldiers’ Memorial Hall


10.45 Assemble in Clarence Street for march to new War Memorial

11am Service and wreath laying at War Memorial


11am Service and wreath laying at Memorial Park with Deputy Mayor Tom Cooper delivering the opening prologue and Sisters Mary and Francis and Father Arthur Stidwill leading prayers. Greg Baker will deliver the Oration. The Lions Club will be cooking  a barbecue.


Urbenville Public School and the Urbenville RSL Sub Branch would like to invite everyone to the ANZAC March and Service on Monday.

When the school was told that the town was in real risk of losing the service not only this year but for future years the students stepped up to the challenge. They simply would not let the legacy stop. They have worked tirelessly to learn the protocol involved, what each and every part of the service means and some students have given their own time to rehearse readings and songs. The students range in age from five to 11. Please show your support for our veterans and those children who will continue the tradition into the future by attending this Monday.

Last year’s service at Mallanganee. Photo: Contributed
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