Susanna Freymark
Finn Schneider, 17, has responded to comments on social media about the crash at the Summerland Way and Bentley Road T-junction on Christmas Day.
“I was the driver of the Audi TT you see in the photo,” Finn said. See photo above.
“I am alive and no one died.”
Finn said he was “absolutely devastated” about his car which he’d only had for six months. The car is a write-off.
Finn worked for three years to save money for his Audi and was planning to travel to the outback.
On the day of the crash, Finn said he was going from Kyogle towards Casino on Summerland Way.
“A white SUV came out and I hit the rear when I swerved to the left.”
Finn said he is a red P-plater and was going 90km/h.
There needs to the a stop sign made or something there at the intersection, he said.
Many residents including Greg Daley are calling for something to be done at the crash site. Greg’s parents died at the same spot 20 years ago.
Transport for NSW said Summerland Way is a state road and Bentley Road is a regional road.
For residents who want to lobby for a Stop sign on Summerland Way, they can register a request online at Transport for NSW. The location will be investigated to determine the need.
Or write to PO Box K659, Haymarket NSW 1240 or phone 131 500.
For local and regional roads, residents should direct their requests to Kyogle Council.
Or contact State MP Janelle Saffin.
Read more about the dangerous intersection here.