NRLX: Increased buyer competition in strong steers market

NRLX agents yarded a total of 844 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale in Casino on Wednesday, November 3.
Once again young cattle were well supplied with a fair offering of grown cattle for buyers.
The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of vealers and weaners whilst yearlings were in limited supply.
Quality of the young cattle was mixed with increased numbers of lighter weaner cattle throughout with some runs of crossbreds in numbers.
The market was again very strong for all classes of young cattle with the largest percentage going to outside buyers in southern and western areas in addition to Queensland competition.
Restocker weaner steers ranged from 542c to 876c with calves selling to 956c/kg. Restocker weaner heifers sold from 550c to 738c/kg.

Yearling steers sold to a top of 682c and heifers to 572c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle was made up mainly of cows along with a few pens of grown steers and heifers.
Quality was fairly good with several lots of well finished cattle offered.
Increased buyer competition resulted in a stronger market with grown steers selling to a top price of 440c to be up by 20c, while grown heifers sold to 405c/kg.
The cow market improved by 6c to 7c with medium weight 3 scores averaging 374c, while heavy 4 score cows reaching a top price of 389c/kg.
Best of the heavy bulls sold to 348c/kg.
Market Reporter Doug Robson

NRLX Oct 27: Young cattle go to restockers


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